Preseptal cellulitis vs. Orbital cellulitis

Periorbital erythema (Preseptal cellulitis vs. Orbital cellulitis)

Preseptal cellulitis
Periorbital erythema with involvement of the superficial eyelid tissues with normal vision and no pain on eye movements.
It is often associated with just one eyelid, either the upper or lower eyelid.
Preseptal cellulitis with oral (co-amoxiclav, clarithomycin) and topical antibiotics in general practice.

Orbital cellulitis
Periorbital erythema with involvement of all the superficial tissues around the eye as well as the deeper orbital contents and painful and restricted eye movements.
There may be a typical history of preceding sinus disease and patients are often febrile and systemically unwell.
Patients need intravenous antibiotics.
This is an emergency and requires immediate ophthalmology referral.

If in doubt about possibility of orbital cellulitis, refer to ophthalmology